Let's get you headed down the right financial path.
What if you asked a lawyer for free advice? They'd object. Free repairs from your plumber? A pipe dream. But at First Peoples, we offer financial counseling and financial literacy lessons on the house. Whether you're a high school student just learning about money matters or a grown-up in search of budgeting help, our partners can help you take the next step on your financial journey.
Banzai is an award-winning interactive financial literacy curriculum that fulfills many state-mandated requirements for personal finance and financial literacy. Even better, it's fun for kids of all ages.
- First Peoples sponsors Banzai learning in dozens of high school in the Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania communities we service. There's no cost at all to students and teachers.
- We also have the learning modules available to our membership – again for no cost.
- Topics include everything from saving for college to using a credit card to buying a house. Learning materials are available for anyone from age 5 to 100.
Our partnership with Banzai provides access to interactive courses and an extensive library full of quick, easy to understand articles and handy calculators. (All FREE to you!) Go exploring. You just might learn something new today.
In addition to our membership benefits with Banzai, First Peoples is proud to sponsor over 39 schools in our charter area! We've paid the bill so our local educators have the tools they need to keep their students engaged with interesting content that teaches them financial education. If you are a high school educator who is not yet taking advantage of the FREE options available to you and your students- click here to get started!
First Peoples Community Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.